Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Girls Night In!

As part of Childish's fundraising commitment to the upcoming 'Dancing With The Hastings Stars' event, please join me for  fun, games, laughter and a little auction at our 'Girls Night In', at Pier One at Panthers on Wednesday 13th November, from 6:30pm for an "All Girl, Pretty In Pink" evening!  Just $15 per head, nibbles included.  All proceeds go to NSW Cancer Council.  Tickets available at Panthers....

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The journey.....continues......

After xxx
I love sharing a family's journey to meet a new member. I especially love the conversations I have during the pregnancy session while they are still on the inside (bit of a belly whisperer!!) We already knew Miss Emmalyn was on board, so we waited and waited and woo hoo here she is. 
Congrats Sarah and Travis, she is just devine. 
Ky xxx

Monday, September 30, 2013

The journey....

Before xxx
I love sharing a family's journey to meet a new member. I especially love the conversations I have during the pregnancy session while they are still on the inside (bit of a belly whisperer!!) We already knew Miss Emmalyn was on board, so we waited and waited and woo hoo, here she is!!
 Congrats Sarah and Travis, she is just devine. 

Ky xxx

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tree of life Part 2!

Remember Bec and her tree of life?  Well, here is the newest branch!  A beautiful baby boy.  Who, as you can see, has two big sisters that think he is the ants pants!  And do you know what?  He is!!

Ky xx

Thursday, April 18, 2013

State of Mind

See, Childish is a state of mind, not an age!!

Ben, Matthew, James and Mum, Nancye, really struggled to relax and have fun.....NOT!!

See, it's just the endorphins at Childish, you just can't help but be it!!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grown up!

Look at these two cuties, back to Childish for some new pics and gee, have they grown!!

Will has headed to school this year and Miss Ella is no longer a baby!  I love to watch my little clients grow, especially when they are as gorgeous as this pair.

Love Ky xx

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tree of life..

Bec had a beautiful tree of life painted on her belly before the session.

With two gorgeous girls already at home, this new little branch is going to add even more strength and love to this family tree.