Thursday, September 17, 2009

Childrens Fair

Hi everyone I'm very excited to be involved in an upcoming Childrens Fair in Centre Court at Settlement City Shopping Centre, Port Macquarie. I will be joined by Twinkle Toes, Little Dinosaur, Luv Baby Warehouse & Jumbos Playland. The displays will be great and there are fabulous prizes to win. Jumbos will be putting on free activites for the kids at 10.30 each day. It will run from Thursday 1st October through to Sunday 4th of October. Pop in and say gidday I would love to catch up for a chat.
Ky x

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our Phoebe Girl

My very cute niece visited us in Port this week, up from Melbourne. She has grown so much it nearly made me cry. Here she is with her mummy Janine & her Dad and my spunky brother Rod. My love to you all.


Jasmine is full of spunk. She directed the sitting from go to woe. I love it when this happens because all I can do is hold on & try to grab it while it unfolds. Thanks Glenn & Kobie for such a busy morning.

Visiting from the Big Smoke

Ebanie & Ben were in Port visiting all the doting grandparents of this gorgeous baby boy "Patrick". They popped in for a photo session & the camera just loved Patrick & his parents were pretty cute too.
Ky x

Master Myles & Miss Ava

How cute are these two??? Such a loving and beautiful little man with his Mum and baby sister. Just precious!!

Winners are Grinners

Congrats to the Judd family our Lifestyle magazine winners. A beautiful family who waited patiently for these two gorgeous children to arrive into their lives. Thanks to Sue, Steven, Caitlin & Riley for such a fun sitting and being so excited about coming in trumps.

Ky x