Monday, June 28, 2010

Sisters Forever!!

It's so lovely when siblings come in and they absolutely love each other!! Briella, little Tahlia is so lucky to have a big sis like you!! I hope your bond stays forever!!

Love Kylie xx

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just one more ….

Stole another couple of breastfeeding images for the calendar.

Thanks Ali & Jedda it was lovely to wander through sea acres with you both.

Love Kylie x

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cute, cute, cute....

I would just like to say sorry to Hunter's mum already because this little man is a champion and the choice is going to be a killer!!! Thanks Hunter, you are complete model material and cute to boot!!!
Love Kylie xx

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More Winners......

Here are last month winners from the Mums and Bubs market

Miss Makailah and Miss Lacey were the cutest sisters. Makailah is the most beautiful big sis, so caring and considerate for her age. You can definitely feel this through her images. Lacey was made for the camera, what a vibrant and cute kid! Mind you, she has a family of adoring fans to work with! Thanks so much guys it was a lovely session.

Kylie xx

Monday, June 7, 2010


Marilyn Chambers is currently in the process of raising funds to build a Child Rescue Centre in the community of Odede, Kenya and as a result, is organising a Charity Fundraiser Night on Saturday 26th June at 6pm at Lighthouse Beach Surf Club.
Tickets are available at our studio, Caramels @ Cathie, collins.w.collins or Blue Chip Mortgages.

The girls!!

Jade and Meisha had some lovely Mummy & Daughter time with me this week. It's so nice to share and capture such a beautiful moment in your lives girls, thank you!!

Kylie xx

Check out the lashes!!

Master Oscar and Master Harry get this week's Eyelash Award!!!

Two little men who were quite delicious to photograph, as you can see!!

Love Kylie xx