Monday, June 27, 2011

Twice the fun....

Everyone knows how much I love pregnancy portraits!! It still blows me away that there’s a little person in there. Well this time its double the excitement....Miss Kirra is waiting to meet not one, but two baby sisters and she’s going to be the best big sis ever!

Can’t wait for a cuddle......or two......

Kylie x

Friday, June 24, 2011

Super Special Offer for Childish Photography Clients only.........available until 31st July 2011

20 packages available only...

Enjoy the delicious delights of a 30 minute Relaxation Massage for sore, tired backs, necks & shoulders PLUS hot stones, a divine Deluxe Pedicure incl foot & leg exfoliation, peppermint mask & warm oil massage, a soothing Scalp Massage, 40 minute Pevonia Botanica Renew Facial treatment for dehydrated winter skins PLUS a Hand Exfoliation & Massage.

ALL THIS DECADENCE IS VALUED AT $190 is yours for ONLY $95.00! Thats half price! (2&1/2 hrs)

Feel like a child again with this lovely package from Vanity Room Beauty Therapy, next door to Childish Photography at Port Marina Complex.

CALL NOW Ph: 6583 8434. 'Like' them on Facebook at Vanity Room Beauty Therapy for fabulous special offers, giveaways, competitions and tips.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hairy ones....

I know I’m not really a pet photographer.......but these two aren’t really dogs, they are so cute and very well behaved!!

Thank you Paris and Ariel you are gorgeous, and you smelled good too.

Kylie xx

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

There was 4 in the bed and the little one said.......

Three big kids & a little one on the end. Miss Lilli, you are one loved little possum!! Lucky to have such beautiful big brothers & sister to share your life with. Paige, Harley & Kyle you are what family is all about

Kylie xx

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pressie for Mum

These images are the Mother's Day present Melissa and Rebecca’s Mum always wanted!!

What a beautiful way to remember your gorgeous girls forever.
