Monday, September 26, 2011

Two cute....

Introducing our beautiful new twins Miss Jordan and Miss Jessica. Big Sis, Kiera was so glad to meet them and is very protective of her little girls!

I think the fun is just beginning!!

Love Ky

Monday, September 12, 2011

Green & Pink

This is Miss Billie Jo. Her favourite colours are green and pink & she is an amazing ribbon-winning horse rider and a complete dag!!!

Love you Billie Jo


Monday, September 5, 2011

And the winner is.......

.......Childish Photography!! 
We are very excited to have won the Business to Business Choice Award at this year’s Greater Port Macquarie Business Awards! All the finalists from all the categories are pooled together & businesses are able to vote for their overall favourite. Not for one minute did we envisage that we were in the running for this one!! WOW!!

Thank you Port Macquarie for your support in helping to make Childish such a success. We all adore our profession & it is so lovely to be recognised for our commitment to our clients & our craft.

Thank you also for all you kind words & gestures, it is such an amazing ride x

With lots of love

Kylie, Linda & Kristie

Friday, September 2, 2011

Greater Port Macquarie Business Awards 2011

Looking forward to the Business Awards tonight!!  We are a finalist in the category 'Creative Services, IT & Communications'.  Good luck to all the finalists!!!