Friday, December 23, 2011

Lucky bub

This is one lucky baby!  Kaelene and Tim, you are going to be such a beautiful Mummy and Daddy – can’t wait!! 

Love Kylie

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Little Pocket Rocket...

Miss Makayla, the little dancing, talking pocket rocket!! 
It was a beautiful morning, shared with Mummy, cheekiness now captured forever. 
Love Kylie

Monday, December 19, 2011

A state of mind....

People ask me if I only photograph children. My answer is “Childish is purely a state of mind, not an age”.
These two gorgeous clients came in for a session as a gift for Christmas.

Thank you Greg and Margaret. Notice you can still see the naughty Childish glint in their eyes. Its just something that happens in our studio!

Ky xx

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family fun....

And then there were four!  Two years ago I photographed Miss Jaylah and now there's Master lovely to watch and play as families grow!  Thanks Rich and Leah for sharing...


Monday, December 12, 2011

Let's see your Santa hats..

Have you had a look at all the entries in our "Let's see your Santa hats" competition on our Facebook page??

The competition finishes on Friday 16th December, and one lucky entry will win a Portrait Session and Image Presentation, valued at $195!


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Some Mums just glow!!  Thank you Jo for sharing such a special time

Ky xx

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Personality plus...

Ethan, Kiara and Isabella came to play.  All so different in their little personalities, but all so cute!  Thanks guys for sharing your uniqueness!!

Love Kylie

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gorgeous girls

These three girls were so gorgeous, I could have stolen them (well, maybe borrowed them to hang out with for a while anyway!).  Thank you Anna, Maggie & Elyse, you can come and play anytime!

Ky xx

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fun times

So cute when the smallest one calls the shots! Isaiah, Ally & Finan, it was a really fun morning, I hope you remember it the same!

Love Kylie