Monday, July 12, 2010

Miss Anna can be quite serious, very serious in fact! Thank goodness she's a naturalist and the smiles flowed once we placed her in the birthday suit!! Thank you Anna for giving me an amazing range of expressions to work with, you are just gorgeous!!
Kylie xx

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I love this shot of Miss Isabella - her face and stance just tell it all!!!

Kylie xx

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bec, Chris & Jay came for some family fun! Jay is a great kid and we got some really fun family pics!! Thanks for sharing

Love Kylie xx

Monday, July 5, 2010

The gorgeous Little Toot girls came to visit this week. Alice was very comfortable in front of the camera. Lucy preferred to be behind the backdrop!! With a little bit of coaxing, the Wiggles, Nursery Rhymes and "Round and Round the Garden", Lucy finally came to play! Thank you girls, you know when Kylie starts to sing the photography just gets better!!

With love, Kylie