Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Some families you'd just love to be part of!  Imagine Christmas time with all these gorgeous kids around the tree.....I can just hear the giggles!! Thanks guys, lovely to share your bond.

Ky xx

Monday, November 28, 2011

Billy boy.....

This is Billy boy!  Full of smiles, and smiles, and smiles!  Thank you mate, it was delightful!!

Ky xx

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Reverse Psychology....

“Ok Jack don’t sit on the chair mate, don’t look at me and for goodness sake don’t smile.....Jack I said DONT SMILE” 

Sometimes the ol' reverse psychology still works, got the best smiles ever!! 

Miss Isobel & Miss Alex also laughed their way through this very funny family sitting. 

Thanks you three, you are the reason why I love my job soooo much. 

Love Ky xxxx

Monday, November 21, 2011

Let's see your Santa hats!!

OK, it's photo competition time again!! Time to break out those Santa hats and start snapping!! You know the deal, upload your Santa hat photo to our Facebook page wall. We will then move it to our "Let's see your Santa hats" album. The photo with the most "likes" will win a free Portrait Session, valued at $195!!

We'll start the ball's the "Childish" crew, Kylie, Linda & Kristie.

We look forward to seeing your photos!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dad & me

Well I hadn’t seen lil Aston since he was only a few weeks old, & boy he’s grown!!

Mummy organised a session for Aston & Daddy. It was such a lovely way to remember forever their first Fathers Day. xx

And then there were three......

And then there were 3!!

Tess and Amy, I have never seen two such adorable & gentle big sisters with their brand new baby girl.

As you can tell from the images they thought little Miss Darcey was a bit of alright!!!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Making memories....

Just look at this beautiful family, I just loved the images with Mum & Dad. Memories filled with tickles. xxx

Monday, November 7, 2011

Giggles & fun...

Some kids just understand my constant craving for madness and giggles in the workplace. Thank you Trinity & Coulton you can come and play anytime.
Love Ky x